Another piece regarding the closure of NSP. It would appear that the unions are pissed off that they are closing NSP so quickly. I have been telling anyone who would listen that CO's will not move to other prisons...if they have roots in Carson City (house, kids in school) unless they can get placed at NNCC or Warm Springs or one of the several camps in the area, they are not going to re-locate to the southern prisons like High Desert and Southern Desert. You can't commute to there and financially most people just can't sell a home they are most likely upside down with their mortgage and buy another one in the Vegas area. But anyhow, the union is upset that NSP is being cleared out quicker than they expected (predicted that too) and since at this point, NDOC has not made clear how the moves to other facilities will be accomplished...if it is done on seniority, then people will be pushed out of jobs they have had in a location that they like and be sent to a facility they don't want to be at.
It's bad enough many correctional officers act like assholes and treat the inmates like crap, forcing a CO to work in a place that is inconvenient to them will just make it worse.
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