Yes, the thank you is a comment that is just ooooozing with sarcasm. At this very moment it is dripping from every pore in my body.
Lorne's transfer to Southern Desert Correctional Center (SDCC) has been an absolute nightmare. First off was all the grievances that Lorne filed while he was at NSP...not a single one has been addressed. No one has yet to respond to any of my please of assistance with regard to getting Lorne's financial information returned to him nor to help me with finding out why the state of NV felt that it was okay to dispose of all of his religious materials. The change of phone calls with ICSolutions has been a bit of a challenge too...despite NV Bell saying that Indian Springs has two phone exchange number (702-447 and 702-879) apparently it is considered long distance to call from Indian Springs to Indian Springs...when I called the lady told me "but this is an excellent rate!" I'm sure it is but when I had a local number to the facility in Carson City, I was only charged $1.95 for a 30 min phone call...not an $.85 connection fee and $.11 a minute. Which means that a 30 minute phone call with Lorne costs me $4.15...double what I used to pay.
To top all THAT off (as if it weren't enough) Lorne has not been eating hardly at all. Because of the timing of his arrival, he has had to wait almost a week to put in a commissary order and will have to wait another week for it to for the most part, Lorne has just not eaten. Of course if that was not enough to worry about, Lorne informed me today that there was a roach infestation in the chow hall. Yup...I wouldn't ever eat there either.
Would someone please tell me again why I am doing this????
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