Sunday, July 3, 2011

Religious freedom...yes unless you are an inmate

So just  to keep everyone up to the last 4 days, Lorne's cell has been searched twice looking for contraband material.   This all started when a correctional officer decided Lorne's confidential financial information was not allowed and took it from him.  This started a chain of events that culminated in letters to the warden, NVDOC director, the NVDOC Inspector General and the Consulate General of the Canadian Embassy   Yes, I am pissed!!
One of the items that was removed form Lorne's cell was a box that he was preparing to ship to me.  With the closure of NSP, he has been going through his stuff and sorting it out.  He had managed to fill the box with items that he didn't need but wanted to save for future use. Lorne was taken down to the property room where an officer interviewed him about the contents of the box.  The officer removed a segment of Lorne's religious materials, asked him what religions he was and Lorne responded "Wiccan".  Lorne didn't see the contents of that box until June 30 where it was all returned to him in a garbage bag.  He spent most of July 1 sorting through it to determine if all the contents were there,  They weren't.  All of Lorne's religious paperwork was gone as well as a gift that he had made for me.  As any Pagan knows, our paths develop from a little bit of this...a little bit of that.  The material that was removed dates back to at least 2005 when he started as one of my students but even predates me since he said that some of those items were from his first teacher.
Looks like Erika will be writing more letters to...well,,,just about everyone I think! 

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